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See the pattern on the fragrant rustling fan blush, hastened carried away. Because Zhebing incense fan above, painted patterns, is actually an unsightly erotic figure ! Ink at this time also saw the rustling and stone Feixuan babyliss pro perfect curl pair had glazing eyes suddenly brightened up, hey Yin Xiao up, and said: I did not expect, there is actually blood tooth advancement in this predicament beauty. Before Babyliss Why are not found? Yin Xiao face of the ink into the dining rooms, and eight bodyguards followed behind vide in Babyliss the rest of the Warrior is to keep the door in the dining rooms, eyeing six people staring Shi Jun, assumed a ready prepare rushed posture.

Bake Sen seeing brow of a challenge, wanted to kick the heels of the ink. Shi Jun quickly stopped him and whispered : Brother, Shaoanwuzao, let me see what he really wants to do. The ink and his men unaware of this, they feel good about themselves, feel the momentum has been completely pressed to each other. Shi Jun interesting to see the ink, and the remaining five people also use a kind of Zhuoxia see monkey looked at the ink, but the parties have failed to be unaware. The ink stone Feixuan recovered and looked rustling lewd eyes, snorts, with a straight face and said: Babyliss a few really good dare, dare teeth Town wounded in the blood of my people, Babyliss do not ask ask, who is here site !


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