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Than normal people - should make so that is very precious. Seafood and sea cucumber is one of the eight treasures. Fin fish and bird's nest par. So he gave the dish the next day as a signature dish Yat floor. Ray knew Tianyi seems like people have not seen this dish. Thunder Sky is very easy to say in the composition of sea cucumbers have certain characteristics. That cholesterol is low. Fat content is relatively small. Is ghd straightener a typical high protein low fat low cholesterol foods high blood pressure and coronary heart disease,ray ban sunglasses, such as hepatitis, elderly called therapeutic share.

Cucumber containing chondroitin sulfate. Contribute to growth and development. Retard aging muscle enough to enhance the body 's immune system. Content of trace elements in sea cucumber variety of food ranks first. You can participate in the transport of iron in the blood. Enhance hematopoietic function. Recent American studies scholars have taken a particular substance from sea cucumber - cucumber toxins. This compound can inhibit a variety of fungi and certain human cancer cell growth and metastasis. Edible sea cucumber aplastic anemia diabetes,Cheap ray bans Sunglasses, stomach ulcers, etc. have a good effect.

But after all,ray ban sunglasses australia, this is easily the Qing Lei Day and those who say the effect of sea cucumber, after which it will not understand. Ray Tianyi may expect these one years ago, antiques know what diabetes What is coronary heart disease. So he had to put cucumber and ginseng contrast a bit. Cucumbers and tell people you are better than ginseng. In fact, this time of the Qing Dynasty on the coast of the people have to eat a cucumber. But here, after all, not the sea. And scarce natural wild sea cucumber production. So simply do not reach the county.


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