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See each other so cool, Yun-Fei Lu hearts micro-shock. For a time no one to speak, Yun-Fei Lu and piece shadows seeped through the window over the faint moonlight watching each other, want action from the other side to find out what flaws. ugg australia Is Yun-Fei Lu? After a long while, the piece shadow broke the silence, listening to the sound clearly a woman. Yun-Fei Lu replied. Heaven Sword surrender, we live in peace! Yun-Fei Lu raised his left hand in Heaven Sword, mediocre reach: To take it. Lengheng shadows, moved slowly along the wall next to the window, and slowly the whole windows open, try to let the moonlight coming through, and then draw a silent sword from his back, exudes a blade in the moonlight silvery sheen.

The distance between the two men to be less than two meters, Yun-Fei Lu sword does not move, sliding to the left foot, so that the shadows continue to move forward, it will be a hit Heaven Sword. But I saw the shadow body right, while slightly shaking hand sword, her sword was originally Heaven Sword block on the outside, this time even drill into the inside of it that way Yun-Fei Lu Qiao Qiao is a rammed her hands sword. Yun-Fei Lu slightly surprised, wrist sink and outward rotation, while its tip oblique, trying to pull the shadow of the sword to the outside, but let Yun-Fei Lu once again surprise, even in the shadows ugg boots australia some action at the same time, rising wrist rotating inwardly, sword tip in a small range rotating circle, close to Heaven Sword continue to stab ugg boots australia chest!


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